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NYE & Co.
Blog Entry
The changing nature of collecting
As a writer and collector of antiques for more than 40 years, both in the US and in the UK, I am seeing significant changes in the way we collect. Through TV shows and books, collectors are becoming more knowledgeable across a wider range of specialist areas and more eclectic in their tastes. As Christie's South Kensington chairman Hugh Edmeades has said: "People want a few good things rather than lots of the same". This change in collecting habits is being reinforced, particularly in London, by fewer specialised sales of higher priced items, leaving lesser-valued, general pieces to the out-of-town auction houses. The younger generation of collectors often have less to spend and less space in which to keep their collectibles. Also, when entering a room, the eye is attracted to a single item of intrinsic beauty that blends with the decor, rather than a cabinet or shelf full of mediocre items. ends
8/21/2006 9:00:25 AM
Comments For This Post
Posted by  Connie Swaim  on 8/21/2006 6:11:14 PM
Thanks for the great topic. While I'm still a die-hard collector who wants many items in a given category, I do know that many people seem to be going for fewer items that make a statement. Connie
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