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Johnston County
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Animals found new homes at Stella show
Sales were so good during the opening day of the Chicago Botanic Garden Antiques & Garden Fair April 21-23 that the Stella Show Management team had to quickly create an onsite delivery system to handle customer pickups. Eight men with dollies were brought in and “every available Stella staffer was pressed into service to handle the volume,” said LeAnne Stella, company president.

It appears animals were the big sellers as the shipping room contained two deer, a pair of whippets, three dogs and two roosters all at the same time. I wish some of those animals were on their way to my garden. Better start saving my pennies. Stella reported sales ranged from exotic plants to a set of urns, which sold for $38,000.

For information about upcoming Stella shows contact: (212) 255-0020,

5/10/2006 2:46:30 PM
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Posted by  yxvosz jbvnzfps  on 8/2/2007 5:37:25 PM
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Posted by  yxvosz jbvnzfps  on 8/2/2007 5:37:38 PM
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Posted by  yxvosz jbvnzfps  on 8/2/2007 5:38:23 PM
tzdlhen dpiocrk znovymp rsfy wlthiryn revi rpckyq
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